Valve has recently changed the way visual content is presented to players on Steam's game pages. With this update there are now trailer limitations and an option for assigning specific trailer categories. There is also a new algorithm that arranges the sequence of trailers and screenshots.

Let's have a look at what this means in more detail:

Trailer limitations

The Steam's game pages thumbnails with the new two trailer limitation

Game's visual content thumbnails

Only a maximum of two trailers will be showcased before screenshots. Additional trailers will be positioned after the screenshots to ensure that players are always presented with a mix of both screenshots and trailers.

It appears that there are no limitations to the number of trailers you can upload. Nonetheless, Valve advises to prioritize the ones you think will be most useful to potential new customers.

The recommendation is for the first trailer to primarily showcase gameplay. Demonstrating what the player will be doing in the game and how they will be interacting with the world.

Trailer categories

Selecting a video category from a dropdown list on Steam

Category selection dropdown

To help players quickly identify what each trailer is all about, Steam now offers the option to choose from a predefined list of categories. The video player on the game's store page will then display the selected category, followed by the name of the trailer.

The available categories to choose from are:


Most trailers fall into this category. These typically show a mix of pre-rendered video, logos, title screens, accolades, and maybe some limited amount of gameplay.


A short video, often posted when a game is first announced, often doesn't show much of the game but instead teases the title, IP, or franchise.


When a trailer is mostly comprised of gameplay, showing the user what it's like to play the game and from the perspective that the player will be playing.

Interview/Dev Diary

Non-fiction interview or documentary video.

Steam game page videos displaying their category and name

Video player displaying the selected category and the trailer's name.

Why the change?

Based on Valve's announcement, this update is meant to address issues faced by both players and developers. It aims to make screenshots more easily accessible and provide players with better insights into the trailers they watch. It also makes it clear for developers how to best manage their trailers in order to provide the best experience for players. 

Do I need to update my game’s page?

According to Valve, If your best trailers were already being shown first on your store page you don't need to take any immediate action as a result of this update. If you haven't given much consideration to the order of your trailers though, now would be a great time to review and ensure that the first two trailers offer players the most captivating glimpse of your game.

For more information about trailers, visit the Steam trailers documentation.

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