The world's largest game creation event has kicked off once again today. The 2023 edition witnessed the creation of over 7,600 games, with tens of thousands of participants from over one hundred countries. This year, even more enjoyable games are anticipated.

For those unfamiliar with the Global Game Jam (GGJ), it is an annual event, this year running from 22 to 28 January, where participants gather either physically, online, or in a hybrid setting (blending online and on-premises) for a short period of time to create games based on a shared theme.

The theme for this year is "Make Me Laugh"!

What is Global Game Jam?

The GGJ welcomes individuals with all kinds of backgrounds and experience levels to participate, encouraging them to explore new technology tools and try different roles in development. It challenges participants to design, develop, create, test, and bring a new game to life, providing an opportunity to improve their skills.

As is customary with the GGJ, there will be numerous sponsors, prizes, and diversifiers. Diversifiers are optional constraints that participants can choose to incorporate into their games in addition to the main theme. These can set games apart from the rest and make them eligible for specific prizes.

Even though the GGJ starts today, jam sites operate on their own schedule within the event's timeframe. Make sure to check and join hosting sites in your area! Also, don't forget to register for a GGJ user account. This will enable you to submit your game and/or be part of a game's team.

For more information visit the Global Game Jam website!

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