Following the recent release of City Builder, Kenney now presents us with a new starter kit for first-person shooters (FPS).

As usual, the new kit maintains a charming low-poly art style consistent with the other starter kits.

The FPS Starter Kit is a foundational template for a first-person shooter type of game and includes features such as a character controller, weapons, the ability to switch weapons, enemies, sprites and 3D Models.

This marks the third release of starter kits for the Godot game engine, and Kenney is already developing the next one, which will be geared towards creating racing games

Below is a video by Youtube creator Lukky that showcases these projects and provides an overview of their features.

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To access all the existing starter kits for Godot, visit the starter kits page on Kenney's website. These have been created in Godot 4.1.1 and are available for free under the permissive MIT license. Additionally, they include assets that are licensed under CC0.

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